Taking Time to Enjoy Your PC

Have you thought about adding a Curio cabinet to your home office?

It is so easy to get wrapped up in the instant gratification of what’s next this day in age! Many collectors are laser focused on the next big card we want to add to our collection. That’s what drives most Instagram posts, YouTube videos, and Podcasts about this glorious hobby. I find myself questioning why this is a lot lately because I’ve reached a point where my expansive PC of Glasnow, Duncan Robinson, Star Wars, and SGA are all the result of “being bored” with no new cards coming in the mail. Yes I really do love and support the athletes the same, but I always felt that I was more or less chasing the next big card when I started collecting them.

Now that I’ve slowed down my buying a LOT, instead focusing on Quality over Quantity, I have been taking time to look through my collection and appreciate just how spectacular it is! This is by now means a braggadocios post, but more a reminder that we all have collections that we’ve dumped endless time, effort, and funds into that don’t get the love they should. Here are a few activities/ideas that could help you take a step back and enjoy your collections a bit more:

  • Grab one of your boxes, set it on a table, throw some music on, and let the vibes roll!

  • Purchase a curio cabinet on Amazon (Coaster is the best one I’ve found), and find a place to set it up in the office to display some of your favorites!

  • Sort each of your collections by year or by year/team. This is very therapeutic! Don’t forget the right tunes to set the mood.

  • Purchase a scanner, and scan your collection. Having a digital library of cards either on your hard drive or on a website, is an awesome way to always be a click away from enjoying pictures of your hard earned collection.

  • Have a friend/friends over and go through each other’s collections. The stories that come from doing this is a lot of fun!

I’m sure there are many more, but this is a list of suggestions to get you back to appreciating your collections. I know that I need these reminders from time to time as well. It’s not always about the cards you are chasing, but rather the eye popping collections sitting at home!

Any time I get the Cup box out, I am reminder about how fortunate I am to have such an amazing collection of my favorite All-Time athlete Marc-Andre Fleury!

You have to let the PC “breathe” from time to time!


Connections are Everything!


Oversized cards: Extra-large joy