Guest Blog - Entering the World of Hockey

One of the big decisions many collectors have faced, are currently facing, or will inevitably face is choosing a player to collect. I recently went down this path of unlocking a new player PC for my hockey collection so I thought I would share some insights into how I came to my final decision.

I want to acknowledge that you will have to find a methodology that works for you. The goal of this post is to get the wheels turning, but you as the collector get to decide on the direction your hobby vehicle will go.

The first thing I did to narrow down my selection was pick the timeframe I wanted to collect in.  As a collector born post-Y2K, I was able to quickly rule out anything from the 90’s or any era that preceded the 90’s such as vintage. I also knew I wanted to collect a current player that I enjoy watching right now and will be able to continue to watch for another decade or so. 

The second thing I did was create a shortlist that fit this criteria. Having a physical list written out allowed me to put players side-by-side and compare them to one another which aided in narrowing my selection down even further. I eventually narrowed it down to three names who all happened to be forwards. 

But I wanted this collection to be unique to me, and so there was a third criteria I implemented that led me to my ultimate decision: statistics. Not just any statistics like goals, assists or points. No, I wanted my player PC to reflect my appreciation for defensive forwards and defensive metrics along with the dynamic, highlight-making ability that we all love! All these things considered, Kirill Kaprizov is the player I settled on and that has created a newfound passion in my collecting. Who knows where it will take me, but I suppose that’s all part of the joy and mystery of the hobby!

~Jackson Mayes

Instagram: @mayes.sports


Maximizing joy in 1 of 1s