Calling all hobbyists! The collection had to relocate

We’ve all had to relocate our collections, whether it’s actually moving apartments or houses and having to find a new place to set up, or rearranging rooms where you live and creating a new ‘home’ for your cards. I’ve just made one of these changes, moving my cards from a desk-style setup to a new built-in ‘nook’ situation as my wife and I rework some spaces in our house. Instead of making a post espousing some thoughts on collecting, I wanted to post to ask for help as I make this change. Ok… posted is this picture after I quickly moved all of my cards and hobby-related paraphernalia to the new spot. It’s bad, but I think it’s enough to give an idea of the space I’ve got to work with:

A few things to note:

  • The top of the built-in can be used - the Mrs & Mr is leaving lol (about another 2 feet above that spot before the ceiling)

  • The small desk on the left is open and can be used as a workspace for pictures, packaging, organization, etc.

  • The black cases on the bottom right contain my PC, it’d be nice to have those easily accessible for, ya know, collection enjoyment

  • Since I also buy/sell to continue to update my collection, this has to be both a ‘display’ space and a workspace where I can package items and store all the packaging/printing that goes along with that process. Hence the printer(s) in the bottom left nook.

So, I’m posting/reaching out to get some thoughts: how do y’all get creative with displays? How do you maximize the joy you get from your collection without displaying everything in your PC? How do you store your supplies so they’re easily accessible but out of the way? I’m hoping this can be a fun discussion, and maybe we can all benefit from the collaboration!




Monthly Wrap - Feb 2025


Connections are Everything!