25 Years in the Making!
Whether we like to admit it or not, nostalgia drives the majority of our decisions in this hobby! Our experiences collecting as kids along with the cards that had a big impact on us, are likely the cards we forever stay drawn to…so much so that we often come back to the 90’s/early 2000’s looking for that same feeling we had back in the day. Is it only the feeling though? Or is it the way the cards look? Either way, I found myself doing a monthly search for a couple cards from the best era in sports cards and came out with a card I’d wanted since it came out in 2000, as well as a beautiful goalie card of a goalie who’s mask is iconic!
As most of you know, I’ve always been a player fan first and foremost. While I appreciate people who passionately collect teams, I’ve always been pulled towards individual athletes. Whether it’s because of their style, performance, or similarities to me, I tend to be all-in once that player has “imprinted” on me.
Hockey was the first sport I found myself loving & collecting. Along with that, goalies caught my eye immediately with their beautiful gear and masks! For any of you who even remotely know 90’s goalies, Curtis Joseph is one that likely stands out due to his CuJo mask! Also if you’re a 90’s fan, you know all about Ultimate Victory and how beloved that set was when it came out. There’s still a big following for the Yellow 1/1’s, but the parallels /100 still stand out as some our companies best for some time!
On the heels of that set, there was a particular rookie whose Ultimate Victory Rookie SP was coveted by veteran and new collectors alike…that is none other than Rick Ankiel’s card #145. In the year 2000, his rookie cards were the biggest amongst all prospects at the time, often occupying many spots in Beckett’s top 10 lists. His story is all about redemption, and if you haven’t read his book yet, I highly recommend it!
In the year 2000, Upper Deck released SPX Baseball with Radiance parallels /100 that used the SAME foil technology as the infamous 1998 PMGs. They aren’t autographed but at extremely popular and tough to find of your player. This month I got SUPER luck and found a copy for a super reasonable price. I am over the moon that my first baseball card of 2025 is something this meaningful and beautiful!
These cards are 25 years old, yet still bring the same joy as any modern card would! If you haven’t, think about grabbing an older Beckett, and go grab a card or two from your childhood. I promise you’ll find yourself reminded of the happiness you felt as a young collector!